The Cybersecurity Litmus Test

Is Your Strategy Bolstering Your Business Vision?

Cybility Consulting is offering 5 BHBPA members a FREE IT Security Diagnostics suitable to organisations with an internal IT team of at least 4 staff.  

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity is not just a necessity, but a critical component of your business strategy. As business-owners, the buck stops with you when it comes to safeguarding your company’s digital assets.

Introducing Cybility’s IT Security Diagnostic Service
An IT Security Diagnostic service is a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of your IT security governance and management functions. It covers key areas such as Security Culture, Auditing, Compliance Management, Policy and Process Governance, Event and Incident Management, Risk Analysis, and Vulnerability Management.
Why Should You Consider an IT Security Diagnostic?
It’s the first step in aligning your strategic IT plans with your business goals. It provides assurance that you are following good industry practices and identifies data-driven cost savings opportunities. It sheds light on your team’s capabilities and helps plan your team’s focus for the year.

Who is it for?
This service is designed for medium and large organisations in all sectors, typically those with their own in-house IT department.

How Does It Work?
The process is simple:Book a 1-hour kick-off call.
Cybility sends a questionnaire to each of the stakeholders identified in the kick-off meeting.
Their responses are analysed to produce a report and recommendations for a plan of action.

What Do You Get?
You will receive a detailed PDF report with clear visuals for senior management and a debrief meeting in which we explain the findings and prioritisation of any issues found.

Act Today
Don’t wait for a threat to materialise.  Book your IT Security Diagnostic today (first 5 received are FREE) and take the first step towards a more secure future.
If you’d like to discuss how Cybility can support your organisation in becoming more cyber resilient send an email to;

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